Recently our Head Horticulturalist Anthea Dalton had the pleasure of attending the annual NZGT conference which was hosted in Marlborough. Here’s a few words from her about the experience….


Marlborough had been enduring a drought for some time, so of course it rained the entire time we attended the conference. This however could not dim the shine of all the magnificent gardens and vineyards we explored on our travels!

We were showered warmth, wine and hospitality everywhere we went.

One of the highlights for me was a visit to a medicinal cannabis farm, what an amazing operation! An organically and ethically run operation. Many of us attending left with a far broader understanding on the topic as a whole and personally I think it is a fantastic achievement.

I was continuously impressed with the use of our native species in different ways also. Visiting one landscape in particular that was a very formal English planting, but entirely in NZ natives, what a vision! And like wise, a very formal Japanese garden, again in our natives.

Marlborough is an absolute treasure trove of gorgeous gardens and vistas.

Once again, an extremely well-organized conference, with 120 delegates in tow.

No major bus stories on this journey, ( In house joke ) and an amazing catch up with our trust members.

Absolutely looking forward to the next conference!

  • Anthea Dalton, Horticulturalist & Ops Team Leader.