Jane Williams
Married to Jeremy, with three children, Rosie (35), Julia (34) and Kenny (32). We have lived most of our married life at Matahiia Station near Ruatoria.
I am a registered nurse and I continued to work at various clinics on the East Coast and also at Ngāti Porou Hauora until about ten years ago.
I was involved at the trustee level with Kohanga Reo, and school boards both primary (East Coast) and secondary (Hawke’s Bay) and on a government-funded group to improve educational outcomes on the East Coast, Whaia Te Iti Kahurangi.
Ten years ago, we sold our farm and now live in Gisborne.
I have just completed 9 years as a community representative for Tairawhiti District Health Board’s Hospital Advisory Committee. I am Chair and volunteer for Hospice Tairawhiti. Trustee for Eastland Helicopter Rescue Trust.
I am currently Chair of Eastwoodhill, Te Mara Rakanui o Aotearoa and am constantly in awe of what our Arboretum represents to us in NZ and overseas.