The Teddy Bears Picnic is BACK!
Mark down Sunday the 7th April in your diaries!
It’s been 3 years since the last one, covid and cyclone’s prevented us from holding this event, but now it’s back and it’s time to celebrate! 

Eastwoodhill’s annual fundraiser event the Teddy Bears Picnic is the perfect family day out! Bring a picnic or enjoy the sausage sizzle and locally run food stalls on our Millennial lawn.
Bring your bikes, bring your teddy bears!
Enjoy games, races and prizes for the kids, and adults.
Best costume will be awarded with 1st, 2nd and 3rd placements.
This is a gold coin entry event! This is your chance to come and enjoy New Zealand’s National Arboretum at a massively reduced price. (The normal arboretum entry fee is $15 for adults, $12 for seniors.)
This fundraiser event is run by our staff, our volunteers and our Friends of Eastwoodhill. If you would like to help, have a stall, or be involved in some way, feel free to contact us on 068639003 or email
Most importantly please RSVP through this link so we have an idea of how many people to cater for.